LOL: Podcast

I am inviting my 50+ Sistah’s to join me on Living Out Loud, a weekly podcast. I am doing my best to live boldly and on purpose. This is the space where we share our Hopes, Dreams, Joys, Pains, Happiness, Sorrows, Losses, and Gains with the hope that the lessons learned will empower us to Live Out Loud? Grab your journal and a pen because we are going to have some work to do as we learn the power of Living Out Loud! By the way, don’t let age stop you from joining us


A source for recommendations and the bloggers perspective

My Serene Words

seeking solace in the horizon of life and beyond

The Huntswoman

Courage to be ALL of who you are on purpose

Discover WordPress

A daily selection of the best content published on WordPress, collected for you by humans who love to read.


Daily Thoughts and Meditations as we journey together with our Lord.

Night • Dawn • Day

Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself


Women in Theology

Girl With Curves

Courage to be ALL of who you are on purpose

Jessamyn Stanley

Courage to be ALL of who you are on purpose

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Courage to be ALL of who you are on purpose

God is...

A journey to know God better Community Blog

Connecting the grant community to #LearnGrants

Object relations

"A Word of Substance"